About Me

I am a 4th year PhD student at the Systems and Network Security Group of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Research Interest

My research interests are system security, operating systems, side-channels, microarchitectural attacks and memory safety.


  1. [USENIX ‘23] Koschel, J.; Borrello, P.; D’Elia, DC.; Bos, H.; and Giuffrida, C.: Uncontained: Uncovering Container Confusion in the Linux Kernel
  2. [NDSS ‘22] Koschel, J.; Johannesmeyer, B.; Razavi, K.; Bos, H.; and Giuffrida, C.: Kasper: Scanning for Generalized Transient Execution Gadgets in the Linux Kernel
  3. [Euro S&P ‘20] Koschel, J.; Giuffrida, C.; Bos, H.; and Razavi, K.: TagBleed: Breaking KASLR on the Isolated Kernel Address Space Using Tagged TLBs


Open source experience

Submitted patches to various different subsystems of the Linux kernel, responding to feedback and criticism appropriately, resulting in most patches (around 90) being accepted by the maintainers of the respective subsystems.

Submitted a patch to llvm-project to enable plugin support for the new pass manager with LTO. Released in LLVM 15 (commit).


Some of my work has been covered by the following LWN.net articles:

